Suffering from plantar fasciitis means you're walking on eggshells and don't know when the stabbing pain would attack you in your heels. It is a pain that occurs in the heel due to the muscles suffering from inflammation. This could be caused due to multiple reasons, but when the pain gets out of hand, it makes even the strongest of people want to get rid of their feet.
We are always looking for remedies to tone down either the pain or its occurrence. Getting rid of the pain always remains on top of the list.
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Are there Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis?
When you are diagnosed with the problem, there are several treatments suggested to you by the medical professionals depending on your specific problem intensity. Everyone has a different experience and requires treatment accordingly.
But… Yes, there is always a, but because in the end, it is the same problem that all of us suffer from, there are a few common treatments suggested to get rid of the problem. These common treatments include
· Physical therapy
· Surgery
· Medication
Well, this means there are also remedies that all of us can apply to help us accelerate the healing process and get rid of the problem altogether.
Lifestyle Change Remedies
The tips we will share with you here are all about a lifestyle change that everyone with plantar fasciitis should bring in their life. These don't require medical attention and help you get rid of the problem at the same time.
1. Healthy Weight
Numerous problems lead to obesity, such as hormones, depression, or the wrong habits embedded in us. We understand it's easier said than done, but you have to get rid of your body's extra pounds. The added weight puts pressure on the feet, which aggravates the pain and makes it difficult for you to walk.
You have to remove the pressure and be light to allow your muscles to relax and not feel burdened. The heels take most of the body's pressure, which is one of the leading reasons it is more common in overweight people.
2. Cool It Down
Like literally, icing your feet when the pain strikes or even regularly to prevent the pain from striking helps you keep the problem at bay. You will find one of the most helpful products out there, the Natracure cold therapy socks, which not only let you cool the feet down but also provide the right pressure on the right spots to relieve the pain.
The Natracure cold therapy socks have a special design that holds the gel packs at the right spot and provides even relief to ensure you don't suffer from the pain for long stretches.
3. Stretch Out the Arches
Several home exercises are suggested to you by the doctor, or you can find them online. There are numerous people online who are doing their best to promote helpful exercises to ensure more people can deal with the problem. These are easy to follow and can be done anywhere. Those working jobs where they are required to sit or stand for long stretches can make the most use of them.
The exercises include stretching your feet and toes in specific ways that allow your muscles to stretch the right way and relax.
Make the Change
It can be as simple as getting your hands on the Natracure cold therapy socks or keeping up with the exercises. You have to make the change from within you to get rid of the pain you're going through.